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Im lonely most days
©2007 beat:

take another rip respiratory convulsions like ill sick off that primier
alveola absorb acridness give twist bliss exist now and here
temporary tyranny termination of lily livered left hemisphere
presents from whence? noone knows comprehends its so lonely up here

peace descends the brain stimulated to gain the divine novocaine
ego complaint state deviates to fain not nayin acceptin its drain
stress means nothing body being bathed by the cosmic refrain
peace in paranoia for millenia governments religions same to claim
maybe that and oil companies greed reasons controlled status gained
status quo's hate torture deviate traits significance will wane
(bong hit)
on this hit meditate not an escape findin the All in the tree of life way

so long genocide was mankinds response to what it feared
even to extinction of sapients bent dominance thru tears
have we not changed our ways in 5 hundred thousands years
i will this will occur a 180 reverse still its so lonely up here

imagine if half of what was ever spent was redirected to true medicine?
the talent for war turns to healing feelings hurd hulled spaceships
would we still be diseased from the horsemans steed wars consequence
attack then pestilence famine death follow this cycle it is evident
knowledge built by better bombs better wrong mad acronym poignant
were on a razors edge left or right life or die Get high and vent
if we can unite as one we can sail the star ocean open heavens
infinite possiblities of societies in peace provided 2 commandments
penal planets for species who homicide easily "why did i say this?"
could it be inherent belief of self enmity decieves "we can coexist"
coexist coexist we don't want to be lonely this is our nature


from image a world apart playful heart with no existance of fear
once there was this sans balance technos ingested interfered
love reason will imagination grace prayer praise bring eden near
tuned masses misuse(d) control excuse abuse its so lonely up here

a great many are being decieved daily nightly by the idol of TeeVee
a prerequisite for chaos amorality in your own peril continue belief
useful as tool media malevision serpent tongued fond of time treats
ray of dismay negatives portrayed complain they called thought police
easily she sluts greed cuban war tax stamp act that ended the seed
strips off her skirt sells to satisfy the express wishes of the elite
(sex sounds) harder please!
yet like strange her step lead to death hades even as you taste her sweet

one that sees the best overpoulation solution is wise beyond his years
not allowing the ignolrant masses to panic deceit brings bitter tears
we could have had the galaxy ironically slow technology it is clear
abandoned on our own planet by our worst element its so lonely down here

once there was a race to space discontinued by distrust fear interlaced
not been back nazis on the moon bad science fiction for claim be debased
unknown harsh world survival requires surprise adaptaion for escape or erase
hell have the catholics pay for it to begin 40 trillion to spend to enter heavens gates
no hemp hurds quantum computers ion engine propulsion planetary life suffocates
yet enterprise mission with evidence warp core rapid magnetic field rotates

ark ships to sail protection from solar fail never know the date or wrath

strength in unity tribal existentionally recently we changed this fact
only way to escape combined technology to seed a repopulated galaxy
bring it back some sense for our species this is what it truly means to be free
to be free to be free is to not be lonely


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GUEST: Josh Firestine

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PALESTINE COMMIES: Mug Club Undercover First to Infiltrate Marxist Protesters at George Washington
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EASTER: Divine Resurrection or Pagan Holiday?
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Liberal Censorship Law C-10 hinders free speech of their political opponents.

[ Link to News video about Carney's endorsement of CBDCs & past association with Jeffery Epstein's partner, Ghislaine Maxwell banned ] ( See 2nd Pic below)

"CCP Carney has links to the WEF & China with its Social Credit System which Theater Kid Trudeau tried to bring into Canada by his proposed Great Reset during his Covid lockdowns & mandates. CBDC Carney will try to soft sell & backdoor a Canadian CBDC digital currency if he is elected Prime Minister in the next election.

[ This content isn't available in Canada. In response to Canadian government legislation, news content can't be viewed on Facebook. Learn more ]

[ Lanark updated his status. ( I didn't, my Juno News video on "former Liberal minister's warning about Carney" post's status was banned)

"Mark Carney will be the next Prime Minister of Canada. Former Liberal MP Dan McTeague discuss the Liberal leadership vote, what a Carney govt will mean ...

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LWC Chat Moderation Guidelines

We are implementing these guidelines to curb some of our concerns of past over-moderation of chat.

When we moderate chat, please remember, the goal is not to punish people for posting things we dislike, disagree with, or are even made uncomfortable by. These guidelines are intended to foster a community that values comedy, accurate reporting, and the ability to speak freely. We must be as passionate about our community’s right to free speech as we are about our own.

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