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2007© feeling the love but the downhills already started


infinitesimal waveparticles comprise what we call home the earth
manipulatable by thought ability supressed in humans since birth
the top of the pyramid can't learn what we our species is worth
for all that is seen is what they want us to see the curse made worse

physical reality has a lustful look causing crook tendancies
quite a feat for logos(logic) to bring systems of atheist belief
brite shiny objects glitter attracting the massed incomplete
matter four percent we need spirit to complete ninety six harmony

a materialist is one who believes in only the physical senses dense
the dictotomies inherent in life indicate there is something more
even worse those that sit on a fence waitin for the full evidence
three d is a prison forever denied core or inexistance for bored

materiality spirituality duality of humanity's irrationality
flows its seems from soul and dreams the mutual incompatibility
end of material clay shell shed pure essence release peace
again complete culled personality the child's ki delete cease

altruistic nature illuminates greater fates escape pit's pull
stop suffering supraselfishness like this fell contest is pinnacle
power money property rep makes the world go round so what is the soul
to a man that has everything on earth when wants met death where do you go

the fifth dimension where our true selves reside inable to describe
like talking hyperspheres to a line sip of semi-divine you will cry
emotions can't comprehend senses unexperienced in dreams we try
only path to evolve this far involves the temptations thrice denied

materialist or spiritualist?x2

that is the question is this sensual world all that can be percieved
in such idiocy the "rational" man believes "irrational" man will flee
there are those still not pissin in holes fear the wrath of the ifrit
if there is no spirit why so many similar stories mythologies
interpretaions vary in many ways contrary yet none have matter only
there is always something more to learn yet what we call time is fleet
move a mountain today with your power of faith small as the mustard seed
overcome all obstacles view life as wonderful grow eat smoke the weed

death is the fruit of technos what was inedible is good
ecos reduction consequence of trading bud for oil bud for wood

materialist or spiritualist?

a materialist is one who believes in only the physical senses dense
the dictotomies inherent in life indicate there is something more
even worse those that sit on a fence waitin for the full evidence
three d is a prison forever a closed door no new existance for core

materialist or spiritualist? [till fade]
balance Materialist and spiritualist Balance

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ICYMI Alex Stein | Nick Di Paolo Show 1661

In this episode, Nick Di Paolo interviews Alex Stein!

20% SALE until 12/15!

For Tour Dates, Merch and more visit
2/20/2025 -- Bricktown Comedy Club – Tulsa, OK

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ICYMI Biden Full Of Sht! | Nick Di Paolo Show 1660

In this episode, Nick Di Paolo about Biden’s Lie, Kashing In, Cali Snitches, Ironic Racism and Footbrawl!

20% SALE until 12/15

For Tour Dates, Merch and more visit
2/20/2025 -- Bricktown Comedy Club – Tulsa, OK

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PALESTINE COMMIES: Mug Club Undercover First to Infiltrate Marxist Protesters at George Washington

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Correction: MugClub Undercover Protest footage was from George Washington University not Georgetown University

GUEST: Josh Firestine

For all of May, get $10 off when you sign up for Mug Club and we’ll donate 10% of ALL revenues to Military Charities:


PALESTINE COMMIES: Mug Club Undercover First to Infiltrate Marxist Protesters at George Washington
EASTER: Divine Resurrection or Pagan Holiday?

Today, Gerald and the gang will get into historical accounts of Jesus Christ both religious and non-religious, references to Jesus in other religions, how Christians mark Easter, how Easter came to be, and what it all means.

Happy Easter from our family to yours!

EASTER: Divine Resurrection or Pagan Holiday?
‘Musk’ Be Doin’ Something Right | Nick Di Paolo Show 1706

In this episode Nick talks about X hacked, Gabbard Slashes Clearances, a Track Smack, a Sepsis Shake, UNC, Balls, and Ball Caps!

ATTENTION LOCALS: Connect your Mug Club account to Rumble and enjoy today’s show on Rumble Premium:

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4/25/2025 - Cohoes Music Hall, Cohoes, NY
5/15-16/2025 - Zanies, Rosemont, IL


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LWC Chat Moderation Guidelines

We are implementing these guidelines to curb some of our concerns of past over-moderation of chat.

When we moderate chat, please remember, the goal is not to punish people for posting things we dislike, disagree with, or are even made uncomfortable by. These guidelines are intended to foster a community that values comedy, accurate reporting, and the ability to speak freely. We must be as passionate about our community’s right to free speech as we are about our own.

These restrictions exist solely to create a baseline appropriate environment.

Users may not use the chat to display or distribute any user content

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    • Graphic images depicting minors, real or fictional*

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    • Using the Mug Club or LwC name for personal profit
  • Above chats may be allowed (at moderator discretion) if any of the following
    conditions exist:

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    • Imagery is not sufficiently detailed and only body shapes or contours are visible

    • Women actively engaged in breastfeeding

    • Images of post-mastectomy scarring

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  • 2nd offense: The restricted content will be deleted and the member will be notified that they’re account will be banned in the instance of another post.

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3 offenses in a row will result in a permanent ban. 1st and 2nd violations will last for 6 months each.

Moderation will be only be done by the user: @lwc_mugclub

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