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2005© entirely ego... But every good artist has at least 1

I come full throttle yet battle not sought out i got hate unsound
in reality what he can't see my superiority lies beyond your bounds
i'm too deep ya armors incomplete pressure seeps life delete you drown
want war i oblige happily straight from the core this is my town clown
you're no rapper no words deter the verses massacre as eyes blurred death occured
a funeral dirge your words convergin with the universe's demiurge obscure
you're an amateur perfume lavender takin lucifer's sperm as an oral cure
you've been purged with each verse bless you but the emissarys words superb

your loss is assured because you confer with wicked envy
better than you in all categories a gory story saved for verse three
till then i unleash and release my chimeric beast best beat a quick retreat
partitions delete to basic binary im 1 you're a zero decompiled personality
you gave me a reason to season my venomous pen i keep writin like i cast regen
d.i.d. blend fell trends lich's abyss opened against this no defense

total evisceration denotation is exposed intestines
raw studio ganstas oysters served by the one who severed them
as you gag water drops in your nose cuz the sinus is exposed
i grin as the y incision reddens your skin it happens to foes

as long as pain reigns your brain you can't complain yet respect grows
as life drains i hope you no longer judge the bark hark or lay low

I come full throttle yet battle not sought out i got hate unsound
in reality what he can't see my superiority lies beyond your bounds
i'm too deep ya armors incomplete pressure seeps life delete you drown
want war i oblige happily straight from the core this is my town clown
you're no rapper no words deter the verses massacre eyes blurred as death occured
a funeral dirge my words convergin with the universe's demiurge obscure
you're an amateur perfume lavender takin lucifer's sperm as an oral cure
you've been purged with each verse bless you but this emissarys words superb

i am abstruse confused? acataleptic acataletic vocabulary used
views eclectic with nyctalopic nihilistic nowit fools like you i feud
this buddhistic mystic whips ya anachronistic bullshit you bruised
except a prophylactic rip and coitus with a tipsy actress theres no excuse for you
its bad that i draw a line in the sand on a cliff you still cross that
me 170 i.q. you too few brain remains from lack of use a sad fact
not even a paranoid freud could conquer my sinister synonymy catastrophe
guarantee the irony to facsimile pharasee tyranny i bring mockery believe
so i grieve that weak weenie wannabes wanna battle the emissary
so i grieve that you felt the need to be a brolly bully so you taste defeat

I come full throttle yet battle not sought out i got hate unsound
in reality what he can't see my superiority lies beyond your bounds
i'm too deep ya armors incomplete pressure seeps life delete you drown
want war i oblige happily straight from the core this is my town clown
you're no rapper no words can deter the verses massacre eyes blurred death occured
my funeral dirge my words diverge from the universe's demiurge obscure
you're an amateur perfume lavender takin lucifer's sperm as an oral cure
you've been purged with each verse bless you but you are not superb

i'm a video game freak and now i'm playing your final fantasy
no matter what you saydebased you to novice today game over restart yay or nay?
aye a drama nerd geek dork loner punk stoner we were raised in isolation
institutions no future no chance of retribution for abuses some say it was fate
how devastatin at eleven to be sinned as such against none have faith in him
even then more than one inhabits him to understand we must rebegin
born a bastard white trash no luck sucks but it also made us tough
a lyrical shakespearean devious in genius shinin a pure diamond in the rough
possessed by rage encaged ire the dire fire escapes occasionally
lowest class in school b.d. l.d. g.i.f.t.e.d. his heart bleeds
every time he climbs outta the pit punishment of sysiphus he falls in
finally found a home after a 23 year animation of drained sand
only thing i have is ryhme to define my time in terra sanatarium's plan
i don't battle i practice peace love and harmony i have no fear of man

you live as you die you die as you've lived

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ICYMI Alex Stein | Nick Di Paolo Show 1661

In this episode, Nick Di Paolo interviews Alex Stein!

20% SALE until 12/15!

For Tour Dates, Merch and more visit
2/20/2025 -- Bricktown Comedy Club – Tulsa, OK

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ICYMI Biden Full Of Sht! | Nick Di Paolo Show 1660

In this episode, Nick Di Paolo about Biden’s Lie, Kashing In, Cali Snitches, Ironic Racism and Footbrawl!

20% SALE until 12/15

For Tour Dates, Merch and more visit
2/20/2025 -- Bricktown Comedy Club – Tulsa, OK

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PALESTINE COMMIES: Mug Club Undercover First to Infiltrate Marxist Protesters at George Washington

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Correction: MugClub Undercover Protest footage was from George Washington University not Georgetown University

GUEST: Josh Firestine

For all of May, get $10 off when you sign up for Mug Club and we’ll donate 10% of ALL revenues to Military Charities:


PALESTINE COMMIES: Mug Club Undercover First to Infiltrate Marxist Protesters at George Washington
EASTER: Divine Resurrection or Pagan Holiday?

Today, Gerald and the gang will get into historical accounts of Jesus Christ both religious and non-religious, references to Jesus in other religions, how Christians mark Easter, how Easter came to be, and what it all means.

Happy Easter from our family to yours!

EASTER: Divine Resurrection or Pagan Holiday?
‘Musk’ Be Doin’ Something Right | Nick Di Paolo Show 1706

In this episode Nick talks about X hacked, Gabbard Slashes Clearances, a Track Smack, a Sepsis Shake, UNC, Balls, and Ball Caps!

ATTENTION LOCALS: Connect your Mug Club account to Rumble and enjoy today’s show on Rumble Premium:

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4/25/2025 - Cohoes Music Hall, Cohoes, NY
5/15-16/2025 - Zanies, Rosemont, IL


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LWC Chat Moderation Guidelines

We are implementing these guidelines to curb some of our concerns of past over-moderation of chat.

When we moderate chat, please remember, the goal is not to punish people for posting things we dislike, disagree with, or are even made uncomfortable by. These guidelines are intended to foster a community that values comedy, accurate reporting, and the ability to speak freely. We must be as passionate about our community’s right to free speech as we are about our own.

These restrictions exist solely to create a baseline appropriate environment.

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    • Using the Mug Club or LwC name for personal profit
  • Above chats may be allowed (at moderator discretion) if any of the following
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    • Women actively engaged in breastfeeding

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3 offenses in a row will result in a permanent ban. 1st and 2nd violations will last for 6 months each.

Moderation will be only be done by the user: @lwc_mugclub

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