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"Jordan Peterson: did he say Christianity is a tough club to get into?"

I'm not okay with Jordan Peterson saying that Christianity is a tough club to get into. If Christianity has taught me to hate anything on Earth, more than anything else, it's that kind of elitist mindset that attempts to build exclusive clubs. Clubs that are so-called meant to provoke people to try to better themselves for the sake of pride or materialistic rewards, those clubs are an evil force on Earth. Obviously it's un-Christian to promote a way of life that's ultra competitive and exclusive. Christianity seeks to release people from the worries and burdens of competition and or the care of materialistic rewards. This isn’t to say we don't care to try and improve ourselves, but no matter what we do as individuals, we'll all obviously be improved by God, in God's time, and not by any self made choice that tries to suggest we're self made. Faith is knowing that God has made you. That God had predetermined the entire universe and within that creation God has set individual limits on each of us. What we become and how fast we will improve is set by God and not by any human will.

Jesus Christ said "If they say they're with us, then they're not against us": even pretending to be Christian increases your practised level of faith in God and it is by way of faith alone that we all obviously improve in all things, that we are saved by The Holy Spirit. Absolutely nobody attempts anything unless they believe it's possible to achieve. All our good prayers, which are derived by way of surrendering to the will of God, only like this our prayers are given to us by The Holy Spirit of God. Prayers can tell us our future if we're willing to follow the will of God versus our own psychopathic human pride and or childish materialistic dreams. Prayers that come from God may start with mere words, but those words become thoughts, and what we allow ourselves to think is a free willed action. In fact the choice to allow certain thoughts or not is our only free willed choice. Let a thought happen long enough and we're moved by it. Thinking is an action. Thus in our thoughts alone we do indeed sin.

God knew Abraham had already killed his beloved son before he started walking up the mountain; God knew Abraham was going to do his act of obedience to God before he was going to do it. In this act Abraham proved to God he would indeed sacrifice his so Loved son if it were God's will. This act by Abraham made all mankind worthy of the gift of salvation, all of God's children were proven worthy of the salvation that came in the form of Jesus Christ having lived, died on the cross, and risen again. For Jews to deny all this, that act of denial is obviously the most evil, selfish, and very nazi like Jew Supremacist like thing that any race of people could possibly inflict on the rest of all mankind: and your Supremacist thoughts both limit and murder the possibility of better lives (better individual worlds) being lived out by all your neighbours on earth.

God knew Abraham had pre-sacrificed his son to his Father in Heaven, killed him in his heart, mind, and soul before he even started walking all the way up a mountain with the thought to kill his son. By God's law we are meant to judge ourselves before we ever do things, but in spirit we all know we are sometimes guilty of terrible thoughts. Just these thoughts alone we all must forgive each other, here we see forgiveness can happen without even having to know transgression.

Obviously, I don't say all this to bring more conflict and suffering on Earth; I merely say it because it's the truth. I don't care if it's an intentional act or not, I've already forgiven all others on Earth and taken my place in heaven after death. Although it does all look to be intentionally done, all these Covid-19 years. I say these Jews and seculars, who knew not that they've allowed themselves to take one of the countless evil paths, 'all ends justifies means like'. I say these Jews and seculars are simply suffering from insanity. It's an insanity that obviously starts with denying the most basic truth of all, Jesus Christ was/is obviously their Messiah/and The Christian Redeemer of The Whole world. And in denying God, that gift from God being offered to the Jews, a gift of a new level of faith that would increase them in all ways: like this Jewish faith in God is self blocked, and this limits the Jewish communities 'rod of iron (strong sight)' enough to not see the most benevolent path pre-given to humanity by God. As they are, the Jews are all obviously choosing to be left to remain as dogs in mind, heart, and soul instead of properly joining with The Holy Spirit of God. We must pity The Jews for having allowed themselves to become poor in faith (and as a result, poor in kind of intellect needed for this given moment on Earth: soon enough, all Jew will obviously be very poor in material wealth and having to endure great suffering if they don't learn to properly care for their neighbours as they would want to be care for if the positions were reversed.

Woll all Ben Shapiro types forever argue "more material wealth to allow us to defeat enemies like Hamas'', and will all the Tucker Carlson types keep arguing things like "rid the whole world of nuke-bombs, and let's all be foolish hippie protesters trying to show a desire for all mankind to come at life from a more 'works not faith way of life'. I can say this to both Tucker and Ben. Tucker, if our faith is strong enough, it doesn't matter if the bombs are on Earth or not, the will of God will still reign supreme, and the gift of salvation given to all mankind by Jesus Christ will still come to fruition: likewise Ben, we can't truly win a war though physical means. Wars are meant to be approached from a place of self defence, where we always hope the fighting can end: if you don't hope for the fighting to end then you're the aggressor and the will of God won't be kind to your side: you'll eventually be severely humbled by the will of God. Please stop funding wars on Earth, it's very aggressive Ben: but at the same time, I'd keep the bombs. There's no such thing as all nations on Earth all being without nukes at this point. Tucker, Pandora doesn't go back inside the box, it's not how that works, like get real, someone, in some country, is obviously going to hide a few nukes. Everyone not knowing nukes exist makes it more likely they will be launched because then it becomes plausible deniability.

'But we have radar systems or what not, we'll see who launched the nukes': don't need those radar systems and or any of the upgrades that can see the upgraded camouflaged nukes if we believe all nukes have been made to disappear. Ben/Tucker never believe evil can simply just be put out of sight, and thus it won't ever happen again, and never allow yourself to join up with any out of sight actions, they're evil in just the deception of them, thus they are obviously evil in nature. Like Biden and Kamala Said "DON'T": 😂.

"My burden is light, my yoke is easy.'' Thus nothing is better or more inclusive than Christianity. Why DEI supporters don't see this about Christianity as they try to make the unneeded systems that tries to replace what Christianity is already giving to the whole world is a massive insult to God: and it's obviously pathological to the point of doing evil intentionally as mankind tries to take what God has created and say 'we humans had made it' (quick, let's bottle and sell air next?) FEMINISM is another example: when I hear women tell me what feminism is trying to do, well properly practised Christianity is already promoting that, so why create a communist functioning community around all that which is best left to free market approaches, as the will of God do obviously wants for all mankind, since obviously free market approaches make it easier for God to move his children by way of The Holy Spirit.

With Jesus Christ's lIfe, death, and resurrection God has made all his children Christians. And all God's children need merely accept the gift of it. This is the wondrous splendour of his boundless love and mercy, of which we all feel we aren't worthy of it. There's simply no greater gift on Earth than to be given the realisation that sparks that faith: what then allows you to see and accept this most benevolent and awesome gift of salvation from God.

God obviously encourages all his children to try to be the best Christian they can be. That being said, given different levels of faith in God: the higher the faith level, the more God moves you to be a better Christian, and thus by faith alone, and not works, we are indeed saved by faith alone. From faith in the word of God comes everything, without our faith, the word of God starts nothing.

Given different levels of faith a Natural Hierarchy forms: yes, it's true that those with the highest level of faith can prosper the most if those individuals wanted to. But we so often see that wealth distribution has nothing to do with IQ or talent, clearly The Holy Spirit of God moves his best people to take on specific roles in life, and for these good/God People these life choices obviously aren't based on materialism (it doesn't mean everyone should quickly start living that way and you obviously won't if your 'faith/to sight/to knowledge/to action has not yet been able to move you choose your God given purpose. We all need a more free market, more capitalist way of life instead of an authoritarian one because In authoritarian environments it limits God's ability to be able to move his children into a more vast array of life options. Let us not limit all our neighbours on Earth unless we ourselves want to remain limited. Amen

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PALESTINE COMMIES: Mug Club Undercover First to Infiltrate Marxist Protesters at George Washington
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EASTER: Divine Resurrection or Pagan Holiday?
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